Joyprakash Murmu is on Facebook. To connect with Joyprakash, join Facebook today.
Joyprakash Murmu is on Facebook. To connect with Joyprakash, join Facebook today.

Joyprakash Murmu added a new photo to the album Parenthood " Our New Life" — with Sanjit Hansda and 3 others.

30 September at 05:43 Facebook for Android
Day 2 of my life 👶 (at the hospital)
Hello, I am Jahnavi /Aanchar 😊😊
I am the little munchkin of my Mumma and papa 👶 usually I'm a cry baby but here I was sleeping peacefully beside my mumma.. 🥰🥰👶👶
Today I'm here to say "Hiii" to all my uncles and aunties 👶👶heeeeee👼👼